
How to translate Openfire Xmpp Server in Japanese

How to translate Openfire Xmpp Server in Japanese

Reference, Translation Guide
  • http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/translator-guide.html

Download Japanese Message Properties File
I put 2 Japanese translated properties file.(These files are based on Openfire Version3.3.1 properties)
One is converted to ASCII format(\uXXXX format by using native2ascii command), other is saved messages based on UTF-8 characterset without ASCII format conversion.we usually use only converted japanese messages in ASCII format. Please downlod following file.
  1. converted japanese messages in ASCII format
  2. UTF-8 no bom file without converting
Steps to install file
If you need to translate all messages including sidebar and tag, please try following steps.
(Please refer to following URL if you need more information
  1. Download converted japanese messages in ASCII formt file descrived above.
  2. Change the file name from openfire_i18n_ja_JP.properties.converted to openfire_i18n_ja_JP.properties.
  3. Create a new jar file.
    jar cvf cfja.jar openfire_i18n_ja_JP.properties
  4. Put new cfja.jar file into the lib directory under your Openfire Home directory.
  5. Restart your openfire server.
Following steps are easy to use, but some messages(in sidebar and tag) are displayed in English.
  1. Download Ascii converted japanese message file.
  2. Put the file into $OpenfireHome/lib named as openfire_i18n_ja_JP.properties.
  3. Open conf/openfire.xml and change locate tag manually to ja_JP
  4. Restart openfire server.
You can translate openfire by using following steps, but it is not easy.
(Changed at 2007/06/20)
  1. Backup lib/openfire.jar
  2. Extract openfile.jar
  3. Copy Ascii converted japanese message file into the extracted directory.
  4. Create new jar file.
  5. Put created jar file into lib directory.
  6. Restart openfire server.

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